How to Get Rid of Moles in Your Lawn???

When it comes to eliminating moles from your yard, you have a few options. You can try to trap them, kill them or repel them. Trapping moles is something I know very little about, and to be honest I have never done so successfully.

To kill moles, you find active runs and insert a poisoned bait product into the run. I’ve heard of people doing this with some success. If you have pets though you need to be very careful with this method as they will try to get to the bait as well. I’ve heard of several stories where their dog ate the bait instead of the mole so be very careful. I would do this in an area of your lawn where you don’t let your pets go.

There are a couple ways to repel moles, you can eliminate their food source by killing the grubs and worms in your lawn. This is the most common method we use at Southern Lawn. I’ve seen it to be about 80% to 90% effective.  The product we use lasts for 5 to 6 months, but it is only guaranteed to kill the food source. We can’t guarantee that the moles will leave. In most cases they do, but you just never can be 100% sure. Sometimes it takes a while for the moles to leave the area.

There is another product that is somewhat new. It is a granule soaked in castor oil which irritates moles and makes them stay out of the area. We haven’t used this product much, but we are testing it. The biggest disadvantage is that it only lasts for about 6 weeks. I’ve also been told that on larger properties the moles may have a hard time getting away from the product and do more damage than normal. So, we are testing this slowly to see what kind of results we get.

If you are having a problem with moles, give us a call and we will help you decide which method is right for you. After all there is nothing more frustrating than to invest your time and money into your lawn only to watch moles and other critters destroy it.