Lawn Disease FAQ

Lawn Disease FAQWhat if my lawn has disease?

Our trained applicator will notify you if your lawn shows signs of disease. They’ll also advise you on the best treatment. Because lawn diseases are unpredictable, and treatments are so variable, application of lawn disease control is not part of our regular program.


What is spring dead spot?
This is a fungus that occurs in Bermuda grass lawns in the fall while the grass is going into dormancy. The effects do not become visible until the following spring when you begin seeing well-defined round dead spots in your lawn. These spots are indented into the ground and look like moon craters. Usually 2-3 or more lawns in the vicinity will also show signs of spring dead spot. Unfortunately, the chances are excellent that this will be a recurring problem in the future.


How do I control spring dead spot?
There is a product available called Rubigan for control of spring dead spot but it has its drawbacks:

  • Must be applied to grass in the fall prior to dormancy
  • Very expensive – you could buy a couple pallets of sod for the cost of a Rubigan treatment, and most importantly

No guarantees that new or additional spots will not reappear in the spring
*The best way to control spring dead spot is by raking dead grass with a steel rake. Then fill in bare areas with sand or soil and allow grass to fill in naturally. You can also replace with new sod.


For Educational Purpose Only
This page is for educational purpose only. Southern Lawn & Pest. is not responsible for damages or death to plants due to usage of this information. It is to be used as a general guideline which vary depending on the geographic region you live in, so results will vary from region to region. Remember, the best way to protect your investment is to seek professional advice for your lawn.